Fig. S5
Developmental analysis of cardiac jelly thickness in the presence or absence of Nrg/Erbb2 signaling
(a-h) Mid-sagittal views of wild-type and nrg2a-/- hearts from Tg(kdrl:Hsa.HRASmCherry); Tg(myl7:LIFEACT-GFP);nrg2a+/- incrosses at 55 (a-b), 60 (c-d), 72 (e-f) and 80 (gh) hpf; the myocardium and endocardium are labeled in green and red, respectively; magnified images of dashed boxes are shown below each time point. The thickness of the cardiac jelly progressively diminishes in wild-type and nrg2a-/- hearts. (i-k) Confocal sagittal sections of 82 hpf Tg(kdrl:Hsa.HRAS-mCherry);Tg(myl7:EGFP-Hsa.HRAS) hearts from wildtype (i), nrg1-/- mutant (j) or Erbb2 inhibitor (PD168363) treated animals showing that cardiac jelly reduction also appears to be an Nrg1/Erbb2 independent process; magnified views of dashed boxes in i-h are shown on the right; arrows and asterisks indicate the presence and absence of cardiac jelly, respectively; V: ventricle, AV: atrioventricular canal, At: atrium; scale bars, 50 ?m.