Fig. 6

Figures for Walderich et al., 2016
Figure Caption

Fig. 6

Behaviour of iridophores in control (albino) and iridophore-deficient (shady) hosts.

(ac) Iridophore and melanophores clusters (derived from Tg(ß-act:GFP)) in control (albino) analysed with fluorescence (a,c) and bright-field microscopy (b): at 90 dpf iridophores and melanophores cover several stripes spanning between 1 and 4 metameres. (dg) Confocal images of (Tg(TDL358:GFP))-labelled iridophore clusters in control (albino): iridophores appear in three adjacent metameres at 26 dpf and multiply within the same metameres. (hl) (Tg(TDL358:GFP; sox10:mRFP)) cluster in shady covers 10 metameres at 35 dpf. Dashed white lines indicate vertical and horizontal myosepta. Red numbers indicate metameres. Scale bars, ac: 250 μm, dl: 100 μm.

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