Fig. 1
Cumulative survival and immune response of adult zebrafish immunized with CCH and challenge with Francisella noatunensis subsp. orientalis. A. Kaplan-Meier representation of cumulative survival of adult zebrafish immunized with a dose of 5 μg CCH or PBS by i.p. injection, and challenged with 106 CFU Fno, p-value 0,0001 (Long-rank test). The insert show histological examination by hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining of spleen from PBS injected (PBS) and CCH immunized (CCH) fish challenged with Fno at 7 dpc. Asterisk indicate granulomatous structures. B. Transcriptional response of cell markers such as cd40, mhcii, mpeg1.1 and ighm were analyzed at 1, 7 and 21 days post immunization (dpi) and at 1 and 7 days post challenge (dpc) in kidney of adult zebrafish. C, D. The cytokines such il12a, tnfa, il1b and ifng1-1 were analyzed in kidney (C) and spleen (D) from immunized adult zebrafish at 1, 7 and 21 dpi and at 1 and 7 dpc. Bars represent the mean ± SD relative expression levels compared to the control (PBS-injected). Relative expression was normalized to the expression of eef1a1l1. Asterisk indicates significant upregulation (**** < 0,0001; ***<0,001; ** < 0,01).