Fig. 2
Tomt protein localization.
(A) Diagram of the protein made from the Tg(myo6b:tomt-GFP) transgene plus an image of Tomt-GFP localization in live hair cells of the anterior crista in the inner ear at 3 dpf. The arrow points to an apical hair bundle. (B) Diagram of the protein made from the Tg(myo6b:tomt-HA) transgene plus immunolabel for the HA epitope showing Tomt-HA localization in the hair cells of the anterior crista in the inner ear at 4 dpf. Phalloidin stain (magenta) marks F-Actin. (C) Co-localization between Tomt-GFP and a medial Golgi marker (Mgat1a_1?110-mKate2) in live hair cells of the lateral crista (3 dpf). The hair bundle region is indicated by the white bracket. (D) Diagram of the protein made from the Tg(myo6b:tomt_1?45-GFP) transgene plus an image of Tomt_1?45-GFP localization in live hair cells of the lateral crista at 4 dpf. Scale bars: 5 µm in A-D.