Fig. S1
Zebrafish unc45b homozygous mutants show lens cataract
(A-B) Analysis of lens phenotype at 4 dpf by confocal reflection imaging of living wildtype embryos (WT, A) and homozygous unc45b mutants (unc45b-/-, B) raised in fish water. Anterior chamber is oriented to left. co: cornea. le: lens epithelium. The intensity of reflection is colourcoded as shown in the panel A. Abnormal lens reflections were observed with unc45b homozygous mutant embryos (arrows, B). Scale bar: 50 μm. (C-D) Lenticular reflection profiles as a function of distance from the anterior edge of the lens epithelium (le) toward the posterior end of the lens are shown for WT (C) and unc45b-/- mutants (D). The intensity of reflection is shown in an arbitrary unit (AU). The number of examined individuals for each group is shown in the upper right corner. Profiles from individual embryos were overlaid. (E) unc45b-/- mutants (n=15 embryos) show significantly increased lens reflection compared to WT (n=23 embryos; Welch two sample t-test; t=-1.937, ***p=2.61 x10-11). (F) RPE pigmentation was quantified by measuring transmission light through the eyes of WT embryos (n=25 embryos), unc45b-/- mutant embryos (n=10 embryos) and albino (slc45a2) homozygous embryos (n=69 embryos). One-way ANOVA revealed significant differences among three genotypes (F[2, 66]=119, p<2.2 x10-16). Significant differences were observed with albino mutants in comparison to WT or unc45b-/- mutants (Tukey HSD test; ***p<2.2 x10-16). No significant change was observed with the pigmentation status of RPE between wildtype and unc45b mutant eyes (Tukey HSD test, p=0.667).