Fig. S4
Notch signalling modulation impairs heart regeneration (A) Relative gene expression (qPCR) of the Notch target genes dll4, her15, and her4, showing reduced expression after RO treatment (indicated on top). * P<0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.005. (B) Representative AFOG-stained sections from three levels of the hearts of fish treated with DMSO or RO for 30 dpci (treatment regime is indicated on top). Cardiac muscle: brown; fibrin: pink/ orange; collagen: blue. (C) Scatter plot showing the amount of fibrotic tissue relative to ventricle size in hearts from fish treated with DMSO or RO (discontinuous line = mean ± s.d, t-test *P<0.05) (D) qPCR showing higher expression of her4 and her15 in injured hearts of transgenic Tg(UAS:NICD) fish compared than in the control at 3 dpci. (heat shock regime is indicated on top ( mean ± s.d, t-test, ***P< 0.005). (E) AFOG–stained sections taken at 3 anatomical levels of WT and Tg(UAS:NICD) hearts at 33 dpci, showing similar regenerative capacity (heat shock regime is indicated on top). (F) Quantification of the progress of regeneration at 33 dpci (discontinuous line = mean± s.d, t-test, not significant). (G) AFOG-stained sections taken at 3 anatomical levels of WT and Tg(UAS:NICD) hearts at 90 dpci, showing failed regeneration (heat shock regime is indicated on top). (H) Quantification of the progress of regeneration at 90 dpci (discontinuous line = mean, t-test *P<0.05). Scale bars: 100 μm.