Fig. S15
Distal basal epidermis, fluorescently-labeled using mosaic transgenic zebrafish, extend cellular projections that contact neighboring Runx2+ osteoblast progenitor cells. (A-C) An immunostained distal longitudinal fin section containing mosaic-labeled epidermal cells from a Tg(dusp6:Cre-ERT2, EAB:EGFP-FlEx-mCherry) 96 hpa regenerating fish showing mCherry (magenta) and Runx2 (green) protein. The image is an ~1 ?m thick optical section from a confocal stack. Yellow arrows point to a basal epidermal cellular projection that contacts a neighboring pOb. The dashed box in B indicates the zoomed region shown in C. Scale bars are 10 ?m (panel B) and 5 ?m (panel C).