Fig. 9
Global mis-expression of Neurog1 is sufficient to phenocopy the baz1 mutant DRG phenotype.
(A) Quantification of mean (±s.d.) total numbers of Elav1/Hu+ DRG neurons in tail (blue), trunk (green) or total (red). The number of embryos analysed was 6 (WT control), 6 (hs:ngn1), 8 (MO sox10) and 7 (MO sox10, hs:ngn1). Significance of differences as determined by two-tailed Student’s t test comparisons is indicated by * (p<0.05), ** (p<0.001) and *** (p<0.0005). Control (B-C’) or sox10-morpholino injected (D-E’) embryos were left uninduced (B,B’,D,D’) or subjected to heat-shock (C,C’,E,E’) and subsequently processed for Elav1/Hu immunofluorescence at 5 dpf; embryos were heat-shocked at 28hpf for 1 hour. Panels show lateral views of trunk (B,C,D,E) and close-ups of representative DRGs (B’,C’,D’,E’).