Fig. 9

Figures for Torres-Paz et al., 2014
Figure Caption

Fig. 9

Sox10:RFP positive neural crest does not contribute to TRPC2:GFP positive microvillar neuronal populations within the olfactory sensory epithelium. A: Whole-mount head at 55 hours postfertilization viewed from ventral. Boxed area indicates region of interest shown in B–D. B: Expression of Sox10:RFP (red, arrowhead) and TRPC2:GFP (green, arrows) in the OP. B: TRPC2:GFP (arrows) in the olfactory organ. C: Expression of Sox10:RFP (arrowhead) in the olfactory organ. B–D: Images are 3 µm optical sections. GFP, green fluorescent protein; RFP, red fluorescent protein. Scale bars = 50 µm in A; 25 µm in B–D.

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