Fig. S6
Dose-dependent effect of Doxy treatment on muscle architecture and aggregate shape in ct122aGt+/+ lines (related to Fig.6). (A) SHG images and desma aggregates following increased dose of Doxy in ct122aGt+/+ lines showed obvious improvement of skeletal muscle organization when ct122aGt+/+ fishes were treated with 5, 10 and 20 mg/ml doxy. The higher concentration seems less efficient may be due to the drug toxicity at this concentration. Scale bar=20μM. Zoom on the desmin aggregates following Doxy treatment at 5, 10 and 20 mg/ml. (B) Quantification of number and size of desma aggregates in skeletal muscle fowling Doxy treatment. Note that Doxy-treatment increased the number of aggregates with decreased size demonstrating a potential action of this drug in aggregate dissociation/fragmentation. 10 fishes at least were analyzed for each condition and aggregates number and size were counted on a pre-fixed area of the tail. Error bars indicate the standard deviation.