Fig. S2
Novel transgenic tools allow labeling of ENS progenitors and ENS neurons.
SAGFF234A is a transgenic line with the Gal4 expressing gene trap construct integrated within the chrm2a gene on the chromosome 4 encoding the cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 2a. When crossed to transgenic fish carrying the GFP reporter gene downstream of the Gal4 recognition sequence (UAS:GFP) generates transgenic embryos expressing GFP within the ENS at 4dpf (A, B), in both ENS progenitors at 40hpf (C, arrows) and in virtually all HuC/D+ ENS neurons at 4dpf (D). (E) At 7dpf GFP can be detected in cellular processes of HuC/D+ ENS neurons, distal intestine shown (cellular processes of ENS neurons indicated with arrows). The high-resolution image of the full gut length (in D) was constructed by tiling two overlapping micrographs.