Fig. 3
Histological and immunological appearance of telencephalic tumour and heterotopia. (A) Representative telencephalic tumour in zic:RASsomatic fish. (B) Schematic drawing, indicating the position of the sections shown in F-J. (C) H&E-stained section, boxed area indicates enlargement shown in D. (E) Summary of the immunohistochemical observations related to telencephalic tumours. (F-J) Immunostaining of telencephalic tumour sections stained as indicated. DAPI as counterstaining is in blue. (K) Representative heterotopia in zic:RASsomatic fish. (L) Schematic drawing, indicating the position of the sections shown in P-T. (M) H&E-stained section, boxed area indicates enlargement shown in N. (O) Summary of the immunohistochemical observations related to heterotopia. (P-T) Immunostaining of telencephalic tumour sections stained as indicated. DAPI as counterstaining is in blue. Scale bars: 2 mm in A,K; 200 µm in C,M; 25 µm in D,F-J,N,P-T.