Fig. 4

Figures for Dona et al., 2015
Figure Caption

Fig. 4

dzank1 and ninl knockdown leads to accumulation of vesicles and vacuoles in zebrafish photoreceptors.

Transmission electron microscopy of control (a), ninl knockdown larvae (b,d) and dzank1 knockdown larvae (c,e). Ninl and dzank1 morphants (b-e) demonstrate absent or shortened and dysmorphic outer segments (OS), whereas connecting cilia (CC) are still intact (arrowheads in b-c,h), and accumulation of vesicular structures (v), highlighted in the boxed area in e (e'). Sub-effective concentration of ninl (f) and dzank1 (g) MO-injection leads to a normal phenotype compared to control MO-injected larvae (a) and uninjected controls. Injection of combined sub-effective concentrations of dzank1 and ninl (h) MO leads to increased vesicle accumulation in OS (h') and inner segment (h''). (i) Analysis of the presence of vesicles in inner segments of photoreceptor of cells (%). On the Y?axis the different classes are indicated (minimum of 6 eyes per group). (* P<0.01 and *** P<0.001 Student's t-test). Larvae in all panels are 4 dpf. Scale bars represent 0.5 ?m. OS: outer segment, CC: connecting cilium, m: mitochondria, n: nucleus, v: vesicular structures, G: Golgi system, L: lysosome.

Figure Data
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