Fig. S9
(a-c) Levels of Raldh2 assessed by immunostaining with anti-Raldh2 (green) and anti-myosin heavy-chain (MF20) (red) were comparable in wild-type sibling (a) and Tg(hsp70:dn-xBrg1) (b) hearts at 14 dpa. (c) Quantification of the fluorescence intensity of Raldh2 signals in the original wound sites. (d-f) tcf21:DsRed signal was comparable in Tg(tcf21:DsRed) control hearts (d) and Tg(hsp70:dn-xBrg1;tcf21:DsRed) transgenic hearts (e) at 14dpa. (f) Quantification of the fluorescence intensity of tcf21-DsRed signals was shown (g-i) Coronary vessels were reduced in Tg(hsp70:dn-xBrg1;flk1:EGFP) transgenic hearts (h) compared with those in wild-type Tg(flk1:EGFP) sibling hearts (g) at 14 dpa. The resection sites are marked with dashed lines. (i) Quantification of the fluorescence intensity of flk1-EGFP signals in the original wound sites was shown Heat shock was applied from 5 to 14 dpa. Scale bars, 100?m. Data presented are mean ± s.e.m., paired Student?s t-test); NS, no significant difference; *p <0.05, sample numbers are listed under each group.