Fig. 5
Sox32 competes with Nanog for Oct4 binding at dorsal endoderm of gastrula embryos.
(a) The schematic shows the main germ layers of the embryo at 50% epiboly (5.7 hpf) with ectoderm in blue and mesendoderm in green. The dorsal-restricted endoderm precursors are shown in yellow. (b, c) Lifetime values (b) and FLIM images (c) of GFP-Sox32 and GFP-Oct4 alone and in the presence of mCherry-Oct4 and mCherry-Nanog, respectively, in the nuclei of individual cells of dorsal endoderm precursors. Scale bar: 5 µm values represent the median and quartile ranges of data from three to five independent experiments (n = 20-30 cell nuclei from 10 embryos; ****p<0.0001). See also Figure 5-figure supplement 2, Figure 5-source data 1.