Fig. 3

Figures for Chong et al., 2012
Figure Caption

Fig. 3

Ventricular function and dimensions based on quantitative analysis of high-speed video microscopy.

A. Ventricular dimensions at end-diastole (black bars) and end-systole (white bars). Conditions are identical to those in part a. Values plotted are mean (n = 4 embryos) ± standard deviation. Asterisk (*) denotes statistically significant difference by ANOVA. B. Ventricular fractional shortening observed after injection of: control mismatched morpholino (MM MO), zSTARS morpholino + srf mRNA (MO + SRF), srf mRNA only (SRF only), or zSTARS morpholino only (MO only). Values plotted are mean (n = 4 embryos) ± standard deviation. Asterisk (*) denotes statistically significant difference by ANOVA.

Figure Data
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