Fig. S9
Various phenotypes of pectoral fins in rescued hst. Schematic of vectors used in the rescue (A) and control (B) experiments. Dorsal views of rescued hst zebrafish at 3 dpf. Arrowheads indicate pectoral fins. (C) The right fin, almost identical to the wild-type fin, is well developed compared with the left one. (D) Likewise in C, the right fin is bigger than the left one, but both right and left fins are less developed compared with the wild-type fin. (E) A small left fin is rescued. (F) A small right fin is rescued. (G and H) tbx5a in situ hybridization in the wild-type (G) and rescued hst (H) at 3 dpf. Dotted lines outline the fin bud. cFos, cFos minimal promoter; CNS12sh, CNS12 short; Drtbx5a, Danio rerio tbx5a coding sequence; Tol2, Tol2 transposon sequence. (Scale bars: C-F, 200 µm; G and H, 100 µm.)