Fig. 2
The transgenic zebrafish line Tg(unc45bmin:smyd1b-gfp) exhibits Smyd1b expression specifically within cardiac and skeletal muscles. (A, B) At 72 hpf, Tg(unc45bmin:smyd1b-gfp) transgenic embryos show strong and restricted expression of Smyd1b-GFP fusion proteins within heart and skeletal muscles. A (Atrium), V (Ventricle). (C) α-actinin-specific immunostaining of Tg(Uncmin45b:smyd1b-gfp) transgenic embryos reveals an alternating distribution of Smyd1b-GFP and α-actinin, suggesting Smyd1b localization at the sarcomeric M-line (72 hpf). (D, E) smyd1b-gfp expression was significantly enhanced by 1 h heat shock of the transgenic line Tg(unc45bmin:smyd1b-gfp) (E) compared to untreated transgenic embryos (D) at 72 hpf.