Fig. 6
Progenitors Increase in Number between Embryogenesis and Metamorphosis; Proliferation Ability Diminishes with Fate Restriction
(A-D) Tg(sox10mG) expression in zebrafish trunk at (A) 16 hpf, (B) 5 dpf, (C) 15 dpf, and (D) 21 dpf. Asterisk indicates DRG; arrows point to sox10-positive cells along the nerve tracts. Gray, membrane-tagged GFP; red, nuclear RFP.
(E) Schematic representation of the association between pigment cell progenitors and peripheral neurons.
(F-I) Committed melanoblasts generate a small number of melanophores. Melanophore distribution in (F) MIX, (G) MI, and (H) M clones. (I) Quantification of the number of labeled melanophores; each dot represents the number of labeled melanophores in an individual clone.
Scale bars represent 100 µm in (A)-(D) and 250 µm in (F)-(H). See also Figures S5 and S6.
Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 38(3), Singh, A.P., Dinwiddie, A., Mahalwar, P., Schach, U., Linker, C., Irion, U., Nüsslein-Volhard, C., Pigment Cell Progenitors in Zebrafish Remain Multipotent through Metamorphosis, 316-30, Copyright (2016) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell