Fig. 1
par1 knockdown induces cardio-vascular phenotype at 48 hpf.
(A) cardio-vascular phenotype in control and par1 morphants. n values were indicated on the top of each bar of the graph. (B) Venn diagram representation of three classes of vascular failure. n values (% of embryos/embryos with cardio-vascular phenotype) were indicated. (C) cardio-vascular phenotype of morpholino and/or RNA injected embryos. Three par1 mRNA mutants were used. n values were added on the top of each bar of the graph. Average ± error bars from ≥3 independent experiments are presented. * p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001. ctrl, control; MOAUG, par1 MOAUG; MOSpl, par1 MOSpl; MOi, par1 mRNA morpholino-insensitive; ΔC, par1 mRNA morpholino-insensitive lacking intracellular domain; ΔN, par1 mRNA N terminus deleted.