Fig. 1
Lens opaque (lop) mutant phenotypes. The panels show stereomicroscopic images of lop mutant fish and wild-type siblings at 6, 7, and 9 days postfertilization (dpf). A,B: At 6 dpf, the lop mutant (B) is nearly indistinguishable from wild-type (A). C-E: Two different mutant eyes at 7 dpf (D,E) exhibited the lens opacity phenotype (arrows) that was absent in the wild-type eye (C). F-H: At 9 dpf, abdominal distention (arrow in G) and clear swellings under the jaw (arrowheads in G,H) characterized the lop mutants (G,H) that were absent in the wild-type fish (F). The lower jaw of the mutant projected anteriorly, and the nose was flattened (H, asterisk and bracket, respectively).