Fig. 8
DFCs ectopically expressing efnb2b fail to aggregate with normal DFCs. CAAX-mCherry or efnb2b-mCherry mRNA was injected into the dorsal yolk of Tg(sox17:GFP) embryos at the 128- to 256-cell stages and embryos with uneven expression of the foreign gene in DFCs during early gastrulation were chosen for observation. (A) CAAX-mCherry-positive DFCs stayed together with other DFCS. (B) Efnb2b-mCherry-positive DFCs disaggregated with other DFCs. Shown are two representative embryos that expressed different levels of Efnb2b-mCherry. All embryos are dorsally viewed with arrows and arrowheads indicating boundaries (A) or protrusions (B). Time points are indicated. See also Movies 11 and 12.