Fig. 2 S2
psoriasis mutants display skin inflammation, which does not contribute to the formation of epidermal aggregates.
(a-d) WISH of mpx labeling neutrophils in 54 hpf psoriasis-/- and psoriasis-/- ; mpx MO embryos. mpx-positive neutrophils (arrows) have migrated into epidermal aggregates in the psoriasis-/- embryo (a,c). No reduction of epidermal aggregate formation and no mpx-positive neutrophils are observed in psoriasis mutants, in which the myeloid lineage has been ablated by pu.1 MO injection (b, d). (e) Quantification of phenotypes of psoriasis mutants injected with pu.1 MO and un-injected controls. n = 16-18.