Fig. 9
The loss of aPKC function and overexpression of MLCK-CA results in formation of Latrunculin resistant stable microridges. Phalloidin stainings of has/apkc sibling and mutant embryos (a) and wild type and MLCK-CA overexpression embryos (e) treated with Latrunculin A. Visualization of the spread and frequency of ridge lengths and medians from the given genotypes and treatments using bean plots (b,f). Estimation of percentage frequency distribution of ridges in short (0-5 µm), intermediate (5-20 µm), long (20-100 µm) and very long (>100 µm) categories (c,g). Estimation of cell wise means and variances of ridge lengths based on phalloidin stainings (d,h). In b,d,f and h, the distributions sharing the same alphabet do not differ significantly (Dunn’s multiple comparisons test, P-value<0.05). The two distributions in ((h) top), WT DMSO and MLCK-CA+LatA, are different at P=0.061. Error bars in c and g are for the s.d. Scale bars in a and e are equivalent to 10 µm.