Fig. 4
nrca14 cone photoreceptors have an increased number of PI(3)P positive puncta, but no change in distribution of PI(3)P. A:. PI(3)P was visualized in wild type (WT) and nrca14 Tg(Talpha;CP : YFP-2XFYVE) transgenic larvae at 5 days post-fertilization. The PI(3)P probe localizes to punctate structures in the inner segment and synaptic terminals of both WT and nrca14 cones. More PI(3)P positive puncta are visible at the synaptic terminals of nrca14 cones relative to WT cones. PI(3)P was marked using Tg(TαCP : tagRFPt-2XFYVE) in 5 days post-fertilization cones expressing B: GFP-LC3, C: GFP-Rab5a or D: GFP-Rab7. Examples of puncta with only GFP signal, only tagRFPt signal or both signals are denoted by green, magenta or white arrowheads, respectively. E: Percent colocalization of indicated marker with 2XFYVE. F: Percent colocalization of the 2XFYVE probe with indicated marker. E and F: We found no significant difference in the percent colocalization of either LC3, Rab5a or Rab7 with 2XFYVE between WT and nrca14 cones. Error bars are SEM and n = 7-8 WT larvae and 4-6 nrca14 larvae. (ns = p-value > 0.05 as assessed by Mann-Whitney test). Scale bar = 2 µm.