Fig. S1
Characterization of the Tg(1016tuba1a:GFP) line. (A-B) Fluorescence images of the Tg(1016tuba1a:GFP) embryos at 2 days post fertilization (2 dpf) and 3 dpf. The transgene was mainly expressed in the nervous system including the brain, eye, spinal cord and lateral line neuromasts. (C) A needlepoke injury induced the transgene expression at the injury site (asterisks) in the retina of adult Tg(1016tuba1a:GFP) zebrafish at 4 dpi. The left part of the retina was intact and thus served as an uninjured control. (D) GFP+ cells also expressed Müller glia marker Glutamine synthetase (GS) at the injury site at 4 dpi. Scale bars in (A-C), 300 µm. Scale bar in (D), 100 µm.