Fig. 11

Figures for Lepanto et al., 2016
Figure Caption

Fig. 11

Cilia impaired embryos show a preferential delay in RGCs formation. a Left: average intensity Z-projections of 10 µm-thick confocal stacks of the nasal region of retinas from 48 hpf SoFa1 embryos injected with control MO or elipsa-SP/ift88-SP MOs. The dotted line delimits the area used to measure the fluorescence intensity profile from apical to basal, plotted in the right side for each image. ap: apical; bas: basal; au: arbitrary units. b Diagram indicating the regions in the SoFa1 retina fluorescence profile plots that were selected to determine the relative contribution of each cell type to the total signal in RFP and CFP channels (the GFP signal was only used to determine the extension spanned by amacrine cells in the RFP channel). The boundaries of each region were set at the distance corresponding to 50 % of the maximum fluorescence for each peak. c Plot of the percentage of signal intensity in the gap-RFP and gap-CFP channels corresponding to each cell type in embryos injected with control MO or elipsa-SP/ift88-SP MOs. The number of embryos analyzed in each case is shown in brackets. (***) p < 0.001, (**) p < 0.01, ns: non-significant difference. Comparisons were made using rank transformation and Student’s t test. PR: photoreceptors; AC: amacrine cells; RGC: retinal ganglion cells; BP: bipolar cells. d Confocal images of retinas from wild-type embryos injected with control MO or elipsa-SP/ift88-SP MOs and fixed at 48 and 60 hpf. The boxed regions were magnified in the upper insets, while lower images are orthogonal 3D projections of these insets. The white arrowhead indicates a patch of IPL in the region adjacent to the optic nerve exit. Scale bars: A, 50 µm; D, 30 µm

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