Fig. S2
cyp26b1 displays differential expression in bone-lining cells of the calvarial plates. Panels (A,B) show sagittal sections, panels (C,D) transverse sections of untreated wild-type fish at SL10; cyp26b1 in situ hybridization, revealing weak and differential cyp26b1 expression in bone-lining cells. At the level of the sutures, where plates continue to grow (A,C), cyp26b1 is more weakly expressed than in central regions of the plate (B,D), where no horizontal growth occurs. Within central regions, cyp261 is expressed more strongly on the outer surface of the calvaria than on their inner surface (B,D), complementary to the asymmetric vertical growth of the calvaria, which preferentially occurs on their inner surface (see Fig. 1G). In conclusion, cyp26b1 is preferentially expressed in bone-lining cells of regions that display no or reduced bony growth. Abbreviations: cs, coronal suture; eb, epiphyseal bar; fp, frontal plate; ifs, interfrontal suture; mc, melanocyte; pp, parietal plate.