Fig. 7
Vegfr2 homologs Kdr and Kdrl function redundantly in SIV development. (A-D) In situ hybridization analysis of kdrl and kdr expression in the SIV progenitors (arrows) in wild-type embryos at 48-72 hpf. (E-H) As analyzed by confocal imaging of live fli1a:GFP embryos, kdrl-/- mutants (F) display an underdeveloped and mildly mispatterned SIV that lacks connections to the SIA and form only partially extended intersegmental vessels, while kdr morphants (G) also demonstrate mispatterned and underdeveloped ISVs and partial SIV development, but retain connections to the SIA. Combined kdrl-/-, kdr morphant embryos (H) display more severe axial vessel, ISV, and SIV defects than the kdrl-/- alone, resembling vegfaa-/- embryos. (I and J) As shown by brightfield imaging of live embryos, kdr morphants display a slight curvature of the body axis (J), but are otherwise phenotypically normal compared to uninjected controls (I). Large arrows indicate SIV. Anterior-left, dorsal-top.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 411(1), Koenig, A.L., Baltrunaite, K., Bower, N.I., Rossi, A., Stainier, D.Y., Hogan, B.M., Sumanas, S., Vegfa signaling promotes zebrafish intestinal vasculature development through endothelial cell migration from the posterior cardinal vein, 115-27, Copyright (2016) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.