Fig. S5
Distribution of microtubule organization phenotypes at the vegetal cortex of wild-type and hecate mutant embryos. A-G) Examples of various vegetal cortex microtubule arrangements at 20 mpf: normally aligned (A), partially aligned (B, C), unbundled and lacking organization (D, E) and exhibiting aster-like structures (F, G). (A) is from a wild-type embryo and (B-G) from hec mutants. Magnification bar in (G) corresponds to 40 µm for panels (A-G). H) Distribution of phenotypes. Wild-type embryos exhibit highly aligned microtubule network while hec mutants show disorganization, lack of bundling and aster-like structures. The two distributions are significantly different (Fisher′s Exact Test, p-value = 5.335e-09).