Fig. 6
Morpholino mediated knockdown of Hsp47 causes reduced segment length and a small change in bone regenerate length. Calcein staining was used to measure segment length and bone regenerate length in the regenerate. The amputation plane is indicated by a white line. Fin rays treated with targeting or control MO (injected) were measured and compared to their uninjected sides. The ratio of the injected side (targeting MO or control MO) and the control uninjected side, multiplied by 100, is the percent similarity. Percent similarity of greater than 100% reflects the fact that the experimental side can be measurably larger than the control uninjected side. (A) Segment length in Hsp47-MO and Hsp47-5MM injected fins was measured as the distance between the 1st and the 2nd joints (indicated by white arrow heads) distal to the amputation plane. Bone regenerate length was measured as the ratio of the distance of the regenerated length of the calcein stained bone matrix (marked as a) and the total regenerate length (marked as b). The treatment side was normalized against the uninjected side. (B) Bar graph shows reduced segment length following Hsp47 MO injection (p < 0.05). (C) Bar graph shows small but significant reduction in bone regenerate length. The scale bar is 50µm and applies to both panels in A. The student′s t-test was performed (p < 0.05) to determine significance.
Reprinted from Mechanisms of Development, 138 Pt 3, Bhadra, J., Iovine, M.K., Hsp47 mediates Cx43-dependent skeletal growth and patterning in the regenerating fin, 364-74, Copyright (2015) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Mech. Dev.