Fig. S2 CRISPR/Cas9 mediated nlz1 knockout alters heart laterality and motile cilia formation (A) Wild-type embryo at 48h. After putative F0 founders (3 male and 3 female) were bred in one tank, the F1 nlz1 mutants (B, n=20/150) had bent tail, hydrocephaly, ocular coloboma, and three otoliths in the otic vesicle. (C) in situ hybridization using cmlc2 ribo probe showed different heart looping ( normal looping, reverse looping, no looing) phenotypes in zebrafish embryos at 48h. Bar graph represent distribution of different heart looping phenotypes in wild-type and in nlz1-/- mutant embryos. (D) Motile cilia in the KV were labelled with acetylated -α-tubulin antibody (green), nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (blue). In nlz1-/-mutant embryos (n=5/5) the number of KV cilia were dramatically reduced compared to nlz1+/+ wild-type embryos (n=10/10). (E) Sequences of the nlz1 target region in eight F1 putative mutant progeny. All sequences had indels close to nlz1 target region (highlighted in yellow), and 5 different nlz1 mutant alleles were recovered. The sequence variations are indicated in the right (+ insertion, - deletion), the wild-type reference allele sequence is underlined, and the protospacer- adjacent motif (PAM) is highlighted in blue. (A,B) Lateral view, anterior to left; (C) anterior view; (D) flat mount of posterior region; a, atrium; v, ventricle; hy, hydrocephaly; 1 ov, otic vesicle;KV, Kupffer?s Vesicle; scale bar 100 µm.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 406(2), Dutta, S., Sriskanda, S., Boobalan, E., Alur, R.P., Elkahloun, A., Brooks, B.P., nlz1 Is required for cilia formation in zebrafish embryogenesis, 203-11, Copyright (2015) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.