Fig. S1
Standard larval model for studying immune cell:pre-neoplastic cell interactions.
A. Schematic to illustrate the larval model, whereby oncogenic Human RasG12V is used to drive cell transformation in a tissue specific manner, in melanocytes and mucus-secreting goblet cells by a kit-a enhancer trap (ET30).
B. DIC microscopy of a 5dpf kita:RasG12VeGFP zebrafish larvae.
C. Confocal laser scanning microscopy image of a 5dpf kita:RasG12VeGFP; LysC:dsRed zebrafish larvae. (A′, B′, C′) Zoom in of the area around the cloaca to illustrate the region frequently imaged.
D. and E Adult fish occasionally develop large pigmented tumours, particularly at exposed sites such as the ventral fin by the cloaca or tail.