Fig. 3

Figures for Zhang et al., 2015
Figure Caption

Fig. 3

Mitoflash activities in red skeletal muscles of 8 dpf zebrafish embryos.

(A) The same as in Fig 2A, except that the data were from a red skeletal muscle at 8 dpf. White contours mark mitochondria undergoing mitoflashes. Scale bar, 10 µm. See also S2 Movie. (B) A representative mitoflash (marked in panel A with red-color coded contour). The same as in in Fig 2B. Arrow heads mark two consecutive mitoflashes in the same mitochondria. Upper panel: time sequence of the mitoflash seen alternatively at 488 nm and 405 nm excitation and their ratio (F488/F405). Note that the ratiometric line plot, F488/F405, largely eliminated motion artifacts. (C) A family of traces showing diversified time courses of mitoflashes from red skeletal muscle at this developmental stage. The traces were arranged by the start points of mitoflash events. Photobleaching (~10%) was corrected based on global intensity decay and the dashed lines mark the basal level. Note the distinct developmental differences compared to mitoflashes in Fig 2D.

Figure Data
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