Fig. 7 Aging is accelerated in HHM transgenic medaka.
(A) The body lengths of line 52 HHM Tg medaka and control non-transgenic Tg siblings were measured after 1, 2 or 3 months rearing under standard conditions. *, p<0.05. (B) Differential appearances of the line 52 HHM Tg medaka (red arrows) and their non-transgenic siblings (black arrows) examined in (A) at one year after birth, shown both in (top) and out (bottom) of the water. Line 52 HHM Tg medaka at one year of age exhibited the prominently hunched back. (C) Representative actogram of a Line 52 HHM Tg medaka and their non-transgenic siblings. (Top) non-transgenic siblings (bottom) line 52 HHM Tg medaka (D) SA-β-galactosidase staining of cross-sections of the bodies of line 52 HHM Tg and non-transgenic Tg medaka siblings. Black arrows indicate the spinal cord. Results are representative of 5 fish examined per group.