Fig. 1
(A) All alleles of sbr exhibit interrupted, undulating dark stripes of normal arrangement and width when compared to wild type, but no other obvious defects. Scale bar: 5 mm. (B) Scheme of meiotic mapping of sbr. Marked are z-markers and contigs on which SNPs were found with their genomic and genetic (where applicable) coordinates. The numbers of recombinants among all fish tested are given in red and blue. The right-most bar shows genes on the ends of the final mapped region. The dotted region is not to scale and contains multiple genes. (C) DNA sequence traces for four alleles of sbr. Red rectangles mark the mutated residues. Red asterisks stand for stop codons. (D) Scheme of Tjp1a protein. Purple rounded squares indicate regions corresponding to polypeptides used for antibody generation. Red diamonds show the positions of stop codons in the mutants.