Fig. 7
Rescue of the pronephric uptake defect in OCRL1 deficient embryos by suppression of PIP5K.
A. RT-PCR detection of PIP5Kαb and eIF1α in wild-type and ocrl-/- embryos at the indicated developmental timepoints. B, left. RT-PCR of PIP5Kαb and eIF1α in 3 dpf zebrafish embryos injected with the indicated amount of PIP5Kαb splice morpholino. The asterisk indicates morpholino-induced abnormally spliced PIP5Kαb transcript. Right, mortality of PIP5Kαb morpholino-injected embryos at 24 hpf. C. PtdIns(4,5)P2 levels in untreated wild-type or ocrl-/- embryos or embryos injected with 2 ng PIP5Kαb morpholino. Data are presented as the mean ± SE (n = 6–13). Statistical analysis was performed using the one-way ANOVA with a post-hoc Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test. *p < 0.05. D. Images of pronephric uptake of Alexa 488-10 kDa dextran (green) in wild type (WT) or ocrl-/- embryos or WT or ocrl-/- embryos injected with 2 ng PIP5Kαb morpholino. The pronephric tubules are indicated with a green dashed line. E. Quantification of pronephric uptake of Alexa 488-10 kDa dextran in each of the indicated embryo types. F. Transverse confocal images showing megalin labelling in the proximal pronephric region of 72 hpf wild-type (WT), ocrl-/- or ocrl-/- embryos injected with 2 ng PIP5Kαb morpholino (top) and quantitation of megalin fluorescence (bottom). G. Transverse confocal images showing EEA1 labelling in the proximal pronephric region of 72 hpf wild-type (WT), ocrl-/- or ocrl-/- embryos injected with 2 ng PIP5Kαb morpholino. H. Block face scanning electron microscopy images of transverse sections through the proximal pronephric tubule of wild-type (WT), ocrl-/- or ocrl-/- embryos injected with 2 ng PIP5Kαb morpholino. The bottom row is a colour-coded version of the top row, with vacuaolar endosomes false coloured in green. I. Quantification of vacuolar endosome number, size and total area. Data in E, F and I are presented as the mean ± SEM. Statistical analysis was performed using the Pearson’s chi-squared test. ***p < 0.0001, **p < 0.001, *p < 0.01. Scale bars represent 10 µm (F, G) and 2 µm (H).