Fig. 2
Trk2b is required for coordinated migration of the primordium and lateral line axons.
Compound transgenic SqET33-mi23/SqKR21 embryos expressing GFP in the lateral line axons and KillerRed in the lateral line primordium and neuromasts. A–C—5-mm-nTrk2b-MO (0.3 pmol): A—30 hpf, B—36 hpf, C—primordium at 36 hpf; D–F—nTrk2b-morphant with the weak phenotype: D—30 hpf, E—36 hpf, F—primordium at 36 hpf; G–I—nTrk2b-morphant with the strong phenotype: G—36 hpf, H—primordium at 36 hpf, I—lateral line axons at 48 hpf. The primordium leading edges are indicated by white arrows and the termini of the lateral line nerves by blue arrows.