Fig. S2 Effects of mycAG and mycBG expression in zebrafish liver.
(A) Expression of transgenic mycAG and mycBG in comparison with expression of endogenous myca and mycb genes. Liver RNA from 1 mpi (2 mpf) fish treated with 2 µM mifepristone were analysed by RT-qPCR and expression values are relative to the level of endogenous myca mRNA, which is arbitrarily set as 1. (B) Subcellular localization of mycAG and mycBG fusion proteins. Fish were all treated with 2 µM mifepristone and liver tissues were collected at 1 mpi (2 mpf) for cryosection. GFP signal was recorded by confocal microscope with the same exposure time. Nuclei were stained by DAPI and recorded in the blue channel. Wild type liver was used as a negative control. (C) Dosage-dependent effect of mifepristone induction on GFP or Myc-GFP expression and liver size in Driver, mycAG and mycBG larvae. These transgenic fish were induced with mifepristone at different concentrations from 3 dpf and photographed at 8 dpi (5 dpi). (D) Dosage-dependent increase of mycAG and mycBG expression as measured by RT-qPCR. (E) Quantification of liver size based on 2D images at 4 µM mifepristone. Size of liver of larvae was measured according to GFP signal area. # and ## indicate significant difference with p-values of 0.05 and 0.01 respectively when compared with the liver size in the Driver. (F) Induction of liver tumors from other mycAG transgenic families. Representative fish from three other mycAG transgenic families are shown with gross observations of liver tumors (upper panels) and GFP expression (lower panels) to illustrate the liver tissues as described in Fig. 1B and 1C.