Fig. 8
Mosaic expression of Dkk1b-mTangerine shows a greater spread in krm1nl10 primordia. (A-B4) Confocal projections of 28hpf WT and krm1nl10 pLLP showing mosaic expression of Dkk1b-mTangerine driven by heat shock promoter, which was activated at 25hpf. (A-A4) WT showing expression of Dkk1b-mTangerine in a single cell (inner dashed lines) and low expression levels in surrounding cells (outer dashed lines). (B-B4) krm1nl10 mutant expressing Dkk1b-mTangerine in a single cell (inner dashed lines) and punctate expression in surrounding cells (outer dashed lines). (C) Quantification of mTangerine fluorescence intensity in arbitrary units (A.U.). ROI: two cell diameters from the mTangerine-expressing source cell, excluding the source cell, minus background. (D) Quantification of mTangerine expression intensity in the source cell (A.U.) shows no significant difference between WT and mutant cells. Note that krm1nl10 mutants show a significant increase in fluorescence intensity compared with WT (n=31 WT and n=30 krm1nl10 primordia in six separate experiments; **P<0.04, Student′s t-test). Scale bar: 20 μm.