Fig. S3
The opercle, the ceratobranchial-5 bone and the cleithrum all develop in a dlx5a-positive context. Dorsal and lateral views of whole mount in situ hybridization for runx2b (A, A2) and dlx5a (B, B2) in the anterior region of 48 hpf zebrafish embryos. Expression of runx2b reveals the opercle (op), the ceratobranchial-5 bone (cb5) and the cleithrum (cl) (A, A2), structures which differentiate at early stage of zebrafish development. The dlx5a expression analysis at equivalent stage shows that the three bones develop in dlx5a-positive domains, explaining the loss of runx2b expression in dlx5a/6a morphants at the pectoral and craniofacial levels shown in Fig. 5 D (black and blue asterisks). ba, branchial arches. Scale bars 100 μm.