Fig. 7
Dark adaptation affects autophagosomes in nrca14 cone photoreceptors.
Confocal images of cone photoreceptors in light (A, B) or dark-adapted (C, D) WT and nrca14 Tg(TαCP:GFP-LC3) retinas. At 4 dpf, larvae were phenotyped by OKR and placed at 28°C either on a normal light/dark cycle, or in complete darkness. 24 hours later, at 5 dpf, larvae were fixed and retinal slices were generated. After dark incubation, the GFP-LC3 positive puncta in nrca14 cone photoreceptors appeared enlarged (D, arrowhead). Dark incubation did not significantly affect the number of GFP-LC3 puncta in WT or nrca14 cone photoreceptors (E). Syn = photoreceptor synapses, IS = inner segment. Scale bar = 2 μm in all images. Graph shows average LC3 puncta in the IS, synapse or entire cell (Total) per cell, error bars are STDEV, from two independent light/dark experiments. For each experiment, 3–5 larvae were used per condition, and 60–150 cells were analyzed per larvae.