Fig. 6
Cos2 is epistatic to shh and smo. (A) Eng expression in the MPs (long arrows) and MFFs (short arrow) revealed by histochemistry in a 24 hpf wild-type embryo. (B) Eng expression is absent from the myotome of a 24 hpf shh mutant embryo. (C) Restoration of Eng-expressing MP cells (arrows) in the myotome of a shh mutant embryo injected with cos2 MOs (n=9/12). (D) Myotome of a 24 hpf wild-type embryo stained with antibodies to slow MyHC showing the pattern of the SSFs. (E) Slow MyHC immunoreactivity is completely absent from the myotome of a 24 hpf smu mutant embryo, consistent with the lack all SSFs as well as MPs. Like syu embryos depicted in B, smu mutants also lack all Eng expression from the myotome (data not shown) (see also Barresi et al., 2000; Wolff et al., 2003). (F) Slow fibres are restored in significant numbers in smu mutants injected with cos2 MOs (n=15/21).