Fig. S4
GFP expression in Tg(il1b:GFP-F) embryos and larvae during normal development.
(A-B) GFP is not detected during gastrulation: Shield stage, side view with animal pole on top (A) and animal pole view (B). (C-D) GFP is first detected during segmentation in the tail bud, especially in the tip (arrow). (E-I) This expression pattern is seen at 24 and 35hpf, with in addition expression in the olfactory epithelium (F) and in scattered cells on the yolk sac (H). (J-P) From 50 hpf GFP is detected in the tip of the tail and of the caudal fin, especially in the keratinocytes. In addition it is observed in the pectoral fin bud, the retina and the neuromasts. This expression was constant during one month. (C-P) lateral views except (F) (front) and (M) (dorsal).