Fig. S6
Induction of RA signaling components by calcineurin inhibition, related to Figure 7. (A) Expression of raldh2 in 5 dpa regenerating DMSO-treated caudal fin. (B) Elevated expression of raldh2 expression in 5 dpa regenerating CsA-treated caudal fin. (C) crabp2b expression in DMSO-treated 5 dpa fin. (D) crabp2b expression in CsA-treated 5 dpa caudal fin. (E) Cross section of in situ staining for agr2 shows punctate pattern in skin. (E′) Magnified regenerating fin cross section of the agr2 in situ 3 dpa. (F) Giemsa staining of cross sections through adult caudal fin of a DMSO-treated fish shows a few glands at the surface of the skin (black arrow). (G) Giemsa staining of cross sections through adult caudal fin of FK506-treated fish shows increased number of glands in the skin (black arrows) (H) Graph of averages from measured number of glands of unamputated (uninjured) and amputated fins in different treatment groups. (n = 5 caudal fins per treatment group, and 4 different section locations per fin) Data shows mean +/- SD. p values determined by Students’s T-test. (A-D) Scale bar equal to 200 μm, (E) 50 μm, and (E′-G) 25 μm.
Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 28, Kujawski, S., Lin, W., Kitte, F., Börmel, M., Fuchs, S., Arulmozhivarman, G., Vogt, S., Theil, D., Zhang, Y., Antos, C.L., Calcineurin regulates coordinated outgrowth of zebrafish regenerating fins, 573-87, Copyright (2014) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell