Fig. 1

Figures for Kujawski et al., 2014
Figure Caption

Fig. 1

Treatment with FK506 Enhances Regenerative Outgrowth of Adult Caudal Fin

(A and D) Caudal fins of adult fish before treatments.

(B and E) Amputated adult fins pretreatment.

(C) DMSO-treated regenerated fin 28 days postamputation (dpa).

(F) FK506-treated regenerated fin 28 dpa.

(G) Graphed measurements of DMSO-, FK506-treated fish from the base of the fin to the tip of the mouth shows no significant differences between each treatment group before and after 70 days of treatments of adult fish with regenerating caudal fins.

(H) Graph of fin growth rates during DMSO and FK506 treatments normalized to body length. Arrow indicates the time point when control fins reach their original size and return to isometric growth. Arrowhead indicates the time point where differences in growth rate become apparent.

(I) Whole-mount in situ hybridization experiments (ISH) for fkbp1Aa expression of 3 dpa regenerating fin.

(I2) Magnification of box in (I).

(J) Cross-section through regenerating fin 3 dpa shows strong expression of fkbp1Aa in the blastema and weak expression in epidermis.

(K) Expression of fkbp10 in a 3 dpa fin.

(K2) Magnification of box in (K).

(L) Cross-section through regenerating fin 3 dpa shows expression of fkbp10 in the blastema.

(M) Expression of fkbp14 in 3 dpa fin.

(M2) Magnification of box in (M).

(N) Cross-section through regenerating fin 3 dpa shows expression of fkbp14 in the blastema.

(O) qRT-PCR results comparing difference in fold expression of regeneration-associated genes for FK506- over DMSO-treated fins. The dashed line shows baseline expression in DMSO-treated fish, and the black bars show average increased fold expression of each gene in FK506- over DMSO-treated fins.

In (G) and (H), data are represented as mean ± SD of three experiments each with five or more animals. In (I)–(N), each panel represents in situ results of two or more fins from three or more experiments. In (O), each point represents qRT-PCR experiments of a cDNA pool of eight harvested fins. Scale bars, 1 mm (A–F), 200 μm (I, I2, K, K2, M, and M2), and 20 µm (J, L, and N).

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Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 28, Kujawski, S., Lin, W., Kitte, F., Börmel, M., Fuchs, S., Arulmozhivarman, G., Vogt, S., Theil, D., Zhang, Y., Antos, C.L., Calcineurin regulates coordinated outgrowth of zebrafish regenerating fins, 573-87, Copyright (2014) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell