Fig. S8
Zebrafish eIF4EBP3L is a conserved eIF4EBP induced in inactive skeletal muscle. (A–C) Comparison of human and zebrafish eIF4EBPs using MegAlign Jotun-Hein method (DNAstar v10, Lasergene) to align eIF4EBP sequences from ENSEMBL Zv9 and Hu GRCh37. (A) Tree view from MegAlign. (B) Amino acid identity and diversity between human and zebrafish eIF4EBPs. (C) Alignment of human and zebrafish eIF4EBPs. TOR phosphorylation sites are marked with red arrows, eIF4E binding site with black line, and residues mutated in 5A3L are marked red. (D) Expression of zebrafish eIF4EBPs at 48 hpf by in situ mRNA hybridization. Top row shows expression in head; middle row in somites; bottom row in somites of sibling embryos treated for 24 h with MS222 revealing a tissue-specific increase in eif4ebp3l mRNA. Arrow indicates previously described eif4ebp3 pancreas expression. Bars = 200 μm.