Fig. S6
Knockdown of PLXNA1 results in impaired migration in a wound-healing assay. Cells transfected with siRNA or shRNA were allowed to migrate over a scratch wound over 22 hours. Representative images of cells with control siRNA, two gene-specific PLXNA1 siRNAs, control shRNA and two gene-specific shRNAs at 0 hr (A–F) and 22 hrs (G–L) are shown. Scale bar indicates 50 μm. (M) Summary of assessing PLXNA1 knockdown in wound healing assays using two gene-specific siRNAs in RD and SMS-CTR cell lines. Eight random measurements at each time point were made for each siRNA. The ratio of wound closure was determined by the difference in distance migrated over total distance. Each error bar denotes standard deviation. (N) Summary of wound healing assays using two gene-specific PLXNA1 shRNAs.