Fig. 4 Trunk intermediate mesoderm and tail derivatives originate from more dorsal and animal locations in the spt mutant. (A–E) High magnification bright field and UV views of labeled cells in spt mutants at 24–36 h: (A) Pronephric cells (arrows); (B) an erythrocyte (arrow), merged view shows neighboring unlabeled erythrocytes (arrowheads); (C) neutrophils; (D) macrophages; and (E) endothelial cells. All cells resembled their wild-type counterpart. Other labeled cells include hindgut endoderm (e) and muscle cells (m). (F–J) Location of clones at 6 h that gave rise to: (F) Pronephros; (G) Blood: trunk (erythrocytes, neutrophils and platelets) versus head (macrophages); (H) Endothelium: trunk versus head; and (I) Tail (caudal fin mesenchyme and tail muscle). For conventional presentation, clones are projected onto the left side even if they were on the right. Axes: y, distance from the blastoderm margin (zero) measured in cell tiers and x, distance from dorsal (zero) measured in degrees radian. For trunk blood, the color of the symbol indicates whether the clone gave rise only to erythrocytes (red), or also to neutrophils (green), platelets (blue) or both (green/blue). (J) The percent of clones that gave rise to a specific derivative. The entire data set for intermediate mesoderm included 130 wild-type clones, and 33 mutant clones.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 383(1), Warga, R.M., Mueller, R.L., Ho, R.K., and Kane, D.A., Zebrafish Tbx16 regulates intermediate mesoderm cell fate by attenuating Fgf activity, 75-89, Copyright (2013) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.