Fig. S4 Sagittal sectioning of 4 dpf chd7/fbxl10 double morphants indicates variable restoration of ceratobranchial cartilage development. Bright-field images of 10 μm sagittal sections of representative chd7/fbxl10 double morphants. The chd7/fbxl10 double morphants were classified into three categories based on the degree of restoration in craniofacial development. These images are sections from representative double morphants from each category including normal (A), malformed (B), and underdeveloped (C). AC=auditory capsule, CB=ceratobranchial, CH=ceratohyal, EP=ethmoid plate, ME=Meckel′s cartilage, PC=parachordal, PQ=palatoquadrate, and T=trabeculacranii.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 382(1), Balow, S.A., Pierce, L.X., Zentner, G.E., Conrad, P.A., Davis, S., Sabaawy, H.E., McDermott, B.M., and Scacheri, P.C., Knockdown of fbxl10/kdm2bb rescues chd7 morphant phenotype in a zebrafish model of CHARGE syndrome, 57-69, Copyright (2013) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.